Wednesday, July 05, 2006

a fifth of july

yesterday was an odd fourth, but pretty good. got in a bike ride early in the morning. we had some gnarly waffle house for breakfast. i ate my weight in blackberry b-b-q ribs and corn on the cob and heineken. went home and watched the simpsons and some other television. went to visit my family. heard what sounded like the worst wreck in history but come to find it was a guy who took out a fire hydrant, electrical box, a curb, slid across four lanes of traffic and a median up into some of the landscaping at the front of my pops neighborhood. messed his explorer up pretty well and then the cops and everyone showed up. we promptly loaded up the pooch and left. went to the fireworks display and parked on the top deck of the parking garage and watched things explode. then we went home and went to bed. this morning mable didn't want to get out of her crate, she was tired and wanted to sleep in. i could have done the same thing, but i'm at work instead.

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