Monday, May 02, 2011

led by a barrel-chested

friday was our first day of our summer schedule at work. 25% more weekend for 10% less money. you do the math. a co-worker had a small, informal get together at his house to kick it off right. the next day, saturday, i crawled out of bed and proceded to get ready for a ride.


last summer, as part of my training for CDT2010, i attempted a ride out to fort morgan in alabama. i ended up not completing it and turning around due to lack of water (it was summer time) and a lack of knowledge of the area i was in. i returned home that day with somewhere around 90-95 miles logged. still not a bad ride.


this past saturday i was determined to complete this ride. i knew where i could stop to ensure hydration didn't become an issue, but i still didn't know how close or far i was to my destination when i turned around last time.


i made it to the entrance. they charge a small fee - $5 - to get into the fort, which i wasn't keen on paying since i was just going to ride a loop and leave. to make up for it, i rode out to the end of one of the sea walls and sat in the sun drinking water and eating peanuts.


the entire way home i had a head wind. on top of that i had flora-bama mullet toss traffic and spring break amateurs walking into that traffic to contend with for a portion of the ride. it was fun/nerve wracking dodging people and cars and i almost, for a brief moment, felt like i was in some urban fixed gear video. almost.


once home i dawned some swim trunks and sat in Mr. Ok's kiddie pool and showed my proud cyclist sunburn to all the neighbors walking by and basked in my 105 mile trip.


sunday i met up with the wheelmen for their ride, which was nice. i felt good. for some reason they were all riding unusually slow for the entire ride. we discussed the possibility of putting together a really, really long ride in the near future. it is one i've been thinking of for a while but i don't know many people who would be up for it. details in the future, for now i will relax and enjoy monday at work and the fact i pulled in 155 miles over the past two days.


i know a handful of people, but i don't really know anyone who enjoys mondays at work.

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